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Mangup Na Babu

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  1. Narkoman je cist,ovo je speed iz pmodemnu The drug addict is clean, this is the speed from pmodemnu
  2. Sillent Hell Zombie Plague AKCIJA 22.12-22.1 VIP & GOLD GUNS 1 month - 7.75e/800 din Insider GOLD GUNS 1 month - 8.75e/900din Insider & VIP 1 month - 7.3e/800 din [AKCIJA]Insider & VIP & & ALL HUMAN CLASS & GOLD GUNS 2 month - 26.3e/3000 din Insider & VIP & All class 1 month - 9.75e/1000 din VIP 1 Month - 3.3e/400 din Insider 1 Month - 4.3e/500 din Specijal modes-10e/1200 1 month The mail that you need to send money is dakisimic19@gmail.com or wester union! and contact us on pm! Money is not refunded after purchase!!! If you don't know the basics, don't buy [ZM] Silent Hell Zombie Plague
  3. Sillent Hell Zombie Plague Pravila servera Strogo je zabranjeno bilo kakvo vredjanje, psovanje, nepostovanje i varanje! Ljudi su prinudjeni da eliminisu sve zombije! Zombiji su prinudjeni da sire infekciju nad ljudima! Zabranjeno je baciti infektivnu bombu na jednog coveka-Slay/Kick/Ban na 300 min! Zabranjeno je peti se na teksturu mape-Slay/Kick! Zabranjeno je blokirati druge igrace-Slay/Kick/Ban-60 min! [VIP]Zabranjeno je zakljucati oruzije poslednjem igracu-Skidanje vipa NOVO[ADMIN] Jedan admin je potreban uvek u specu zbog:citera,blokera i afk igraca! [NOVO]Zabranjeno je koristiti madness na poslednjeg igraca-Ban 60 min [VIP] Zabranjeno je da vise od 1 VIP-a budu u istom steku-Slay-Skidanje vipa! [INSIDER] Zabranjeno je ubiti poslednja 2 coveka sirenom-Slay Skidanje insajder! [INSIDER] Poslednja dva coveka ne sme da leti sa jetpack-Slay-Skidanje insajder! [ADMIN]Admini ce morati od sada snimati demo i priloziti na forum u poruci nakon bana!!! [KUPOVINA]Nakon kupovine,nema vracanja novca nazad nek to bude jasno!!!!Ako ne znas osnovne stvari ne kupuj KO NE BUDE POSTOVAO PRAVILA REZULTOVACE KAZNOM! UZIVAJTE U IGRI!
  4. Server rules: Any insult, swearing, disrespect and cheating is strictly forbidden! Humans are forced to elliminate all zombies! Zombies are forced to spread the infection over human! It's forbidden to drop an infection bomb on 1 human-Slay/Kick/Ban 300 min! It's forbidden getting on the map's texture-Slay/Kick! [NEW]It is forbidden to use madnes on the last player-Ban 60 min [ADMIN] One admin must have it in spec due to: AFK/BLOCK/CHEATERS It's forbidden to block other players-Slay/Kick/Ban 60 min! [VIP] It is forbidden to lock weapons to the last player!-Remove vip [VIP] It is forbidden for more than one VIP person to be in the same shelter! [INSIDER]The last two people are not allowed to fly with Jetpack, they will be denied the option to buy Jetpack !! [INSIDER]It's forbidden to kill the last 2 human with siren-Remove insajder! [ADMIN]From now on, the admins will have to record a demo and attach it to the forum in a message after the ban [BUYING] Money is not refunded after purchase!!! If you don't know the basics, don't buy</h2><br> WHO DOESN'T FOLLOW THE RULES RESULTS WITH PUNISHMENT! ENJOY YOUR GAME!
  5. Ovde ce biti objavljena Boost lista
  6. Uplatu mozete putem uplatnice na racun za Srbiju http://i.pics.rs/99X3S.png Putem paypala-dakisimic19@gmail.com Putem poste ili wester union
  7. VAZNO: Unban zahtev mogu komentarisati samo Lead/Head Admini servera, svako bespotrebno komentarisanje ce biti kaznjeno warnom. Ko sakupi 3 warn-a kaznjavace se banom na 5 dana! BAN INFO imate u console! Srpska verzija: 1. Server na kojem ste dobili ban: 2. Vaš nick koji je bio na serveru u vreme bana: 3. Vaš SteamID: 4. Razlog bana: 5. Koji admin vas je banovao: 6. SteamID admina: 7. Imam da dodam: NAPOMENA: Admin je duzan da snima demo, svaki demo stariji od 96 sati se brise. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ English version: 1. On which server you've received ban: 2. Your nickname in ban time: 3. Your SteamID: 4. Reason of the ban: 5. What admin banned you: 6. Admin SteamID: 7. Note: ANNOTATION: Admin is obliged to record a demo, every recording older than 96 hours will be deleted.

Happy Winter with SilentHell ❆

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